Guess time flies when you’re having fun.
I don’t know how many times I’ve visited a website and they haven’t updated them in ages, and have a bunch of stale stuff on ‘em.
I’m happy to report that OMDHS has been quite busy the past few years and have posted over 6,500 pages of compilations on its History pages [and considerably more to the OMDHS hard drive]. If you look in the upper left corner of this page you may see the “Newest Uploads” listed.
Data Backup
I don’t normally do this in venue of this nature, but I shall digress here for a moment an tell a short tale.
When I was buck-tailed Second Louie in the Army by first assignment out of Officer’s Basic was in Santo Domingo. Talk about a learning curve! It was Great!
I was assigned to a J-Staff [Joint Staff], no less, a one my first jobs was to set a Publications account so that the J-Staff could have an ongoing supply of Forms and Publications. Gee whiz . . .where to begin . . .
In [relatively] short order I opened an account and had a really tidy and complete publications and forms storeroom set up.
The J-Staff did such a fine job that we were out of Santo Domingo in about year and a half.
Near the tail end of our deployment the Inspector General came into my office one day and appointed me to his staff as his Records Management Officer, which meant I got the lovely job of organizing, accounting for insuring the collecting and transportation of all records of all of the units on the island and getting ‘em safely off of the island to a records repository in the States. Obviously another giant learning curve, but it too was Great! Not all that hard, but great learning experience. I had a neat machine gun escort, records all neatly palletized, to an awaiting C-130 and away we went.
These were the days of 3×5 cards, file folders and tons of paper, which we still have, but now enter the computer age.
The Library and Archives of the OMDHS still has books, magazines and papers, but we now also have a considerable archive of electronic archives.
In the early days of computers, the luxury of a hard drive was not in the general domain, so ‘stuff’ was stored punch cards, punch tape, magnetic tape or floppy disks. Backup was an exciting exercise of trying to keep up and organized backup of you files, awaiting the inevitable need for retrieval or the ugly specter of a systems upgrade or computer crash.
Enter the new technology. I was at may local Best Buy a few months ago, I they had the neatest little thing of a portable hard drive at less than $50. I’m sure there are several varieties of such devices, but one I purchased is called “My Passport Essential;” you may view its specifics at
It’s about the size of a cell phone and the one thing that I have long been awaiting. I AUTOMATICALLY BACKS UP my data files each and every time I create or update a data file. It’s portable, searchable, and silently and reassuringly sits there with all of my data safely saved at all times.
Part of reason to the telling of this short tale is that Freemasonry is most often described as system. It is great to be able to preserve some of this system to conveniently in the new electronic age. If one were to look at this Masonic System, and its ‘Basis’ . . . Geometry, one would soon discover the Logo of the OMDHS, as I did.
OMDHS Logo – the Sun, Moon and Stars
The ‘Star of David’ and ‘Kings Solomon’s Seal’
In the Army the learning curve I experienced taught me a considerable amount about ‘systems’ in general, which was extended even more in the following years. It is quite interesting how sometimes a system is a system . . . from the micro to the macro, sort of ‘all for one and one for all.’ From the quantum level to the universal level, multidimensional and timeless in its implications and realities, the basis of which is the same as our time-honored institution . . . . Geometry . . .
In the above logo may be found all sound, color, DNA, the Platonic Solids, atomic structure, time [now], space [here], art, science, music, religion, history, the past & future, and of course, the SS of KST.
Craft Masonry in New York Series
What began as Craft Masonry in Onondaga County [3 parts] in Apr 2007, has rather mushroomed into the Craft Masonry Series for all of the counties in the State of New York, which may been seen on the History Pages of this present website. Each of these counties is compiled in 8 point type [you can edit it and change the type to any size you want, or view at 150%]. Each county gathers together what could reasonably compiled from mostly internet sources, though I do have a very fine collection of other materials on hand in our OMDHS Library.
For this present compiler, the possibility to expanding this project by a significantly extended visit to The Chancellor Robert R Livingston Library of Grand Lodge in Manhattan is nearly completely out of the question owing to travel, hotel, meal &c considerations, though their Director, R.’.W.’. Tom Savini has been very helpful on most occasions when I have requested specific information.
Happily Google Books and have in the past few years greatly expanded their offerings on their respective websites, wherein I have found a treasure trove of Proceedings, Histories, General and Autobiographies of significant Masonic interest.
A listing of some of these writings and compilations may be found below at the bottom of this present page. The blue links are posted on the History Pages of the OMDHS website.
Lodge List of the Lodges of the Grand Lodge of the State of New York: 1759 to Present
This project, begun 2007 has been ongoing to the present time [Oct 2011]
It is a database of every known Lodge ever having existed in the Provincial Grand Lodge and the Grand Lodge of the State of New York, to include the schismatic Grand Lodges there to. As noted, it is an ongoing project, but at present encompasses over 2000 lines entries of Lodges in over 80 pages of data.
In the Masonic Hall of the Grand Lodge of the State of New York the records equivalent to this listing are recorded in Lodge Registers, the current Volume of which number was 234 in 2008. In the Grand Lodge Library there is a card file, also containing much of, and most likely more than, that which is compiled in the Lodge Listed compiled the present writer. Theirs is not openly or readily accessible to those seeking such information and electronically searchable; mine is. For each Lodge listed on this listing I have endeavored, with some obvious exceptions due to lack of data, include each Lodge in the appropriate compilation for the county in which the Lodge existed, the Craft Masonry Series noted above and below
Craft Masonry Series
Masonic Writings and Compilations
The blue links are posted on the History or Geometry Pages of the OMDHS website
Masonic Geometry, Parts I-IV 2002
Masonic Geometry Part I A View of Contemplative Geometry in Freemasonry
Masonic Geometry Part II Preston’s ‘Masonic’ Geometry
Masonic Geometry Part III Fra Luca Pacioli, Leonardo DaVinci and Others . . .
Masonic Geometry Part IV From a Point to a Line to a Superfices to a Solid
Masonic Geometry Part V Receptions of a Mason
Grand Masters of England 128 pages 2006
Grand Masters of Scotland 44 pages 2006
Grand Masters of Ireland 37 pages 2006
Grand Masters of New York, 350 pages 2007
Other Grand Lodge Offices of New York 70 pages 2007
Total 629 pages
Craft Masonry in Onondaga County – Parts I, II and III 2007
Craft Masonry in Onondaga County 1799-1826
Craft Masonry in Onondaga County, Part II, 1826-ca 2001
Craft Masonry in Onondaga County, Part III. 2002 to Present
Craft Masonry in Oswego County 2007
33rd Degree Masons, Valley of Syracuse 180 pages 2008
Civil War Masons in the State of New York 765 pages 2008 5 Volumes
Volume I Preface
Table of Contents
Alphabetical Listing of Freemasons of New York State in the Civil War
Report of Grand Historian Ross – 1890
A-B Biographical Sketches; 122 pages
Volume II C-G Biographical Sketches; 117 pages
Volume III H-Q Biographical Sketches; 118 pages
Volume IV R-V Biographical Sketches; 146 pages
Volume V W-Z Biographical Sketches and Appendices; 262 pages
Lodge Name Listing of Freemasons of New York State in the Civil War
Lodge Number Listing of Freemasons of New York State in the Civil War
Lodge Number Listing and Recap in this present work
Full Lodge Listing and Masonic Districts – 1899
Other writings and compilations at website: :
Masonic History pages
World History
The Epic of Gilgamesh and the Deluge of ‘Noah’
Early American History
Early Masonic Lodges in Northern New York State
Freemasonry in the Old Northwest Territory
Civil War Masons in the State of New York 765 pages 2008 5 Volumes
Freemasons of NY in the Civil War – Vol. I of V
Freemasons of NY in the Civil War – Vol. II of V
Freemasons of NY in the Civil War – Vol. III of V
Freemasons of NY in the Civil War – Vol. IV of V [R-V]
Freemasons of NY in the Civil War – Vol. V of V
Freemasons of NY in the Revolutionary War Mar/Apr 2008 293 pages
Loyalist Freemasons of New York State
New York Freemasons in the War of 1812 Aug/Sep 2010 79 pages
Shortest and Tallest Freemasons
Onondaga Masonic District History
Craft Masonry in Onondaga County 1799-1826 Apr 2007 169 pages
Craft Masonry in Onondaga County, Part II, 1826-ca 2001 May 2007 128 pages
Craft Masonry in Onondaga County, Part III, Active Lodges as of 2007 May 2007 60 pages
Liverpool Syracuse Lodge No. 501 History
Local History
Prospect Hill and Richard Husted Parker
District History
Bro. T. Walker Gaggin, Architect of Syracuse Masonic Temple
Bros. Gardner, Redfield, Longstreet, Teall and Tyler Families
Craft Masonry in Oswego County, New York
District Deputies of the Onondaga District
Ensign Robert Wilson at Yorktown
Freemasons in the Ancestry of L. Frank Baum
Illustrious Bro. Orrin Welch and Commodores Perry
Other Lodge Histories
A Nostalgic View of Three Southern Tier New York Lodges
Craft Masonry in Albany County, New York Feb 2010 55 pages
Craft Masonry in Allegany County, New York Jun 2010 38 pages
Craft Masonry in Broome and Chenango Counties, New York Jun 2010 52 pages
Craft Masonry in Cattaraugus County, New York Jun 2010 69 pages
Craft Masonry in Cayuga and Tompkins Counties, New York Apr 2010 117 pages
Craft Masonry in Chautauqua County, New York Jan 2010 43 pages
Craft Masonry in Chemung, Schuyler and Tioga Counties, New York May 2010 78 pages
Craft Masonry in Clinton and Essex Counties Jan 2010 128 pages
Craft Masonry in Columbia County, New York Jul 2010 54 pages
Craft Masonry in Cortland and Madison Counties, New York Apr 2010 47 pages
Craft Masonry in Delaware County, New York Mar 2010 66 pages
Craft Masonry in Dutchess County, New York Mar 2010 28 pages
Craft Masonry in Erie County, New York Nov 2009 168 pages
Craft Masonry in Franklin and Hamilton Counties, New York Oct 2010 33 pages
Craft Masonry in Fulton and Montgomery Counties, New York Apr 2010 53 pages
Craft Masonry in Genesee and Wyoming Counties, New York Feb 2010 59 pages
Craft Masonry in Greene and Ulster Counties, New York Mar 2010 43 pages
Craft Masonry in Herkimer County, New York Mar 2010 114 pages
Craft Masonry in Kings County, New Jun 2011 217 pages
Craft Masonry in Livingston County, New York Apr 2010 31 pages
Craft Masonry in Manhattan [approx 350 Lodges]
Vol I Jul 2011 327 pages
Vol II Nos. 202 thru 287 Jul 2011 150 pages
Vol III Nos. 304 thru 449 Jul/Sep 2011 102 pages +
Vol IV Nos. 512 thru 698 Jul/Sep 2011 123 pages
Vol V Nos. 704 thru 897 Sep 2011 24 pages ++
Vol VI
Craft Masonry in Niagara & Orleans Counties, New York Jan 2010 41 pages
Craft Masonry in Nassau County, New York Jun 2011 39 pages
Craft Masonry in Oneida County, New York Mar 2010 109 pages
Craft Masonry in Onondaga County
Part I 1799-1826 Apr 2007 74 pages
Part II 1826-2001 May 2007 101 pages
Part III Active Lodges as of 2007 May 2007 59 pages
Craft Masonry in Ontario, Seneca and Yates Counties, New York Feb 2010 87 pages
Craft Masonry in Orange and Rockland Counties, New York Sep 2010 89 pages
Craft Masonry in Otsego and Schoharie Counties, New York Mar 2010 80 pages
Craft Masonry in Rensselaer and Schenectady Counties, New York Apr 2010 58 pages
Craft Masonry in Saratoga County, New York May 2010 32 pages
Craft Masonry in St. Lawrence County, New York Oct 2010 84 pages
Craft Masonry in Steuben County Nov 2010 133 pages
Craft Masonry in Suffolk County, New York May 2010 33 pages
Craft Masonry in Sullivan County, New York May 2010 93 pages
Craft Masonry in Washington County, New York Mar 2010 178 pages
Craft Masonry in Wayne County, New York Feb 2010 21 pages
Craft Masonry in Westchester and Putnam Counties, New York May 2010 156 pages
Freemasonry in Jefferson County, New York Jun 2008 61 pages
Masonic Districts Page Total 3,863 pages +
Freemasonry in the New York Third Masonic District 1900 166 pages
Freemasons Patent – Herkimer Co., NY Feb 2009 7 pages
Grand Lodge of New York – Lodge List 1759-Present 2007-2011 66 pages
Grand Lodge of New York – other Grand Line Biographies Dec 2008 76 pages
Lodge Nos. 1 – 23 (1902 Grand Lodge Proceedings – 45 pages)
Lodge Nos. 26 – 44 (1903 Grand Lodge Proceedings – 25 pages)
Lodge Nos. 45 – 79 (1904 Grand Lodge Proceedings – 58 pages)
Lodge Nos. 82 – 110 (1905 Grand Lodge Proceedings – 58 pages)
Lodge Nos. 98 – 126 (1906 Grand Lodge Proceedings – 48 pages)
Lodge Nos. 127 – 147 (1907 Grand Lodge Proceedings – 39 pages)
Lodge Nos. 148 -173 (1908 GL Proceedings – 53 pages)
Lodge Nos. 231 – 275 (1911 GL Proceedings – 52 pages)
Lodge Nos. 263 – 294 (1912 GL Proceedings – 72 pages)
Lodge Histories, 1913 Proceedings 295-329 – 79 pages
Total 529 pages
Michigan Lodges warranted by New York State 2
Michigan Territory Lodge warranted by the GL of the State of New York Jul 2009 138 pages
New Oswegatchie Lodge No. 7 Aug 2009 23 pages
Sea & Field Lodges and the American Masonic Overseas Mission
Table of Contents and Notes (20 pages)
Grand Masters History
Biographical Sketches of Grand Masters in the State of New York
Grand Masters of the United Grand Lodge of England
Grand Masters of Ireland
Grand Masters of Scotland (large file – 155 pages)
Other New York Grand Lodge Officers
Richard Harison – DGM – Paper – 14 pages
Richard Harison -DGM – Notes and References – 99 pages
Grand Masters at the Battle of Culloden
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